45 неща, които вероятно не знаете за Марк Зукенберг е статията от boomsbeat.com, каквито се появяват за много от известните личности, но второто неизвестно е че Марк Зукенберг е половин Българин и бил кръстен на дядо си - Българин по майчина линия носещ името Марко . Дядо Марко имигрирал от българия с кораб през 1940 година. Това е текст на точка 2. Mark Zuckerberg is half Bulgarian and he was named after his grandfather Bulgarian - Marco on his maternal line. His grandfather had emigrated from Bulgaria to ship in 1940s of the last century.
Ето и цялата статия на Английски език заедно с точния източник:
45 Things You Probably Didn't Know about Mark Zuckerberg
Today is Facebook's 10 year anniversary. In celebration, we look at the life of its founder and billionaire, Mark Zuckerberg.
1. His full name is Mark Elliot Zuckerberg and he was born on May 14, 1984, in White Plains, New York into a comfortable, well-educated family.
2. Mark Zuckerberg is half Bulgarian and he was named after his grandfather Bulgarian - Marco on his maternal line. His grandfather had emigrated from Bulgaria to ship in 1940s of the last century.
3. His father, Edward Zuckerberg, ran a dental practice which was attached to the family's home. His mother, Karen, worked as a psychiatrist before the birth of the couple's four children-Mark, Randi, Donna and Arielle.
3. Zuckerberg's interest in programming developed when his parents gifted him the book C++ for Dummies.
4. He built a product called ZuckNet, just for his family. His father was able to send an instant message to anyone in the house and visa versa. It was, essentially, an early version of AOL's Instant Messenger.
5. He already got job offers when he was still in high school. Both AOL and Microsoft tried to recruit him after he created Synapse, a program that used artificial intelligence to learn users' music-listening habits.
6. On his application to Harvard University, he listed French, Hebrew, Latin, and ancient Greek as languages he could read and write.
7. While studying at the Harvard university Mark Zuckerberg, a psychology sophomore, developed "Facemash," a website that asked users to judge students' attractiveness based on their dorm-directory photos.
8. He also created Course Match, a program that enabled students/users to decide what college courses they wanted to opt for based on what other students at their school were choosing.
9. On February 4 2004, Zuckerberg launched Thefacebook.com, a social network that allowed users to create basic profiles including personal information and photos. Initially, Facebook was supposed to be a networking site for university grads, but was thrown open for everybody in 2006.
10. Mark co-founded Facebook with three other college roommates and fellow students: Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz, and Chris Hughes. Saverin was the one who offered up $1,000 capital money to get the company started.
11. He was accused of cheating: Harvard students Cameron Winklevoss, Tyler Winklevoss and Divya Narenya sent Zuckerberg a cease-and-desist letter, accusing him of independently developing thefacebook.com while he was hired to work on their social networking project, HarvardConnection. According to promotional material later published by ConnectU's lawyers, Facebook settled with the founders of "ConnectU", the Winklevoss twins and Divya Narendra, for a purported $65 million.
12. Zuckerberg's first car was a Subaru Forester SUV.
13. Facebook is blue because Zuckerberg is red-green color blind. "Blue is the richest color for me. I can see all of blue," he told ABC News.
14. Zuckerberg considers himself an atheist.
15. Zuckerberg's programmed his own trick into Facebook. If you type @[4:0] in the Facebook comment box, Mark Zuckerberg's name will appear.
16. You can't block Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook. Go to http://www.facebook.com/zuck and try for yourself.
17. In Facebook's early days, he used to hand out business cards that reads: "I'm CEO, B****".
18. He is very focused and likes his team to also be that way. If someone got hungry and wanted to go out for fast food, "Mark would, like, pound the table and just say, 'No! We're in lockdown! No one leaves the table until we're done with this thing," said an employee.
19. He began dating Priscilla Chan in 2003. She's from Boston and the daughter of Chinese-Vietnamese refugees.
20. Chan was among the first few people to join Facebook, on February 5, 2004 (the day after it was launched).
21. In an interview with The New Yorker, Chan said that the couple met while waiting in line for the bathroom at a party hosted by Mr Zuckerberg's fraternity, Alpha Epsilon Pi.
... and many more at http://www.boomsbeat.com/articles/174/20140204/50-things-you-probably-di...
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